Sep 05, 2021

Exploring is a unique career exploration program for young men and women ages 10 – 20 provided by the Boy Scouts of America. The program provides students with an opportunity to learn about a wide variety of career fields and network with professionals already working in those fields. Explorers get hands-on experience to determine whether or not a particular career field is right for them. They develop valuable networking contacts with professionals working in their selected career fields, and get to know other youth with your same interests and aspirations.
Exploring is the first step in identifying career possibilities while having fun in an exciting and informal environment.
The Central Minnesota Council, Boy Scouts of America currently operates four Explorer Posts and is looking to grow the program to more communities and career fields to help address the shortage of qualified employees in the workforce. Funds from Federated Co-ops and the Land O’ Lakes Foundation will help make that possible.
Federated Co-ops CEO, Mike McMahon, with Paul Ravenburg of the Boy Scouts of America.