No matter what changes and challenges you face, you can always count on your co-op as a reliable source of the products you need at a reasonable price.
We negotiate the wholesale prices and handle the logistics to make sure farmers have a reliable source of fertilizer and other production inputs so they can concentrate on producing food. And as the 18th largest propane company in the U.S., we procure and store enough propane to ensure that your home, shop, or farm has the energy it needs.

Expecting a delivery? Help us deliver your propane quickly and safely by:
- Marking the location of your tank firmly with a highly visible flag, pole or stake and ensure it can be seen over snow cover.
- Ensuring that your driveway and the path to your tank is clear.
- Keeping your propane tank clear of snow to prevent issues with vaporization and keep your furnace exhaust valve free of snow to prevent carbon monoxide.
- Ensuring the area is free of vehicles and debris, gates are unlocked, and pets are secure.
Click here for a PDF with more detailed instructions and recommendations

On October 2nd, Janet Salzer celebrated 25 years at the Co-op. She has been part of the St. Cloud c-store team for her whole career. The store has been open for 25.5 years so she's had a big role in building that business into what it is today. Janet has spent these years building relationships with her customers and it shows. Her focus on customer service is a top priority and she is always listening to what they want or need and her positive attitude is contagious to all who interact with her. We are proud to have Janet as part of the Federated Co-op team and congratulate her on her 25-year milestone!
(Pictured: Troy Logan, at 6 feet, with Janet Salzer recognizing her 25 years of service)