With A Federated Bill Pay Account You Can Pay Your Invoices On-Line Using Your Credit/Debit Card or Your Checking Account.
You can manage your Federated account such as viewing invoices, credits, payment history, recent purchases, contracts, propane tank and grain information, along with paperless statements if you would like.

This Free Service Takes the Worry Out Of Winter.
We keep your propane tank full using the Degree Day System. A Degree Day System tabulates the daily temperature below 65 degrees and calculates your next delivery based on your consumption history in relation to elapsed degree days. Our system also calculates your consumption for non-heating gas appliances. We can calculate high consumption customers based on elapsed days. Does this sound complicated? Don’t worry and just leave the calculations to us. Unfortunately, we can only use this system if propane is your only source of heat. We do have an electronic tank monitoring system available for those who have uneven or large consumption patterns.
Great Option for our customers, program with flexible payments.
How Does Auto/Monthly Payments Work
Auto payments simply accumulate credit on your account until you need a delivery. Federated will apply your accumulated credit towards your delivery. If your credit does not meet your delivery amount you only pay the difference at the time of the delivery! Auto payments can be made when you want for as much as you want. Auto Payments can be done with your credit/debit card or checking/savings account.
Auto payments can be mailed in or deducted directly from your checking account or savings account.

Each summer we offer seasonal price protection through our Pre-Buy program.
This Program Allows You to Pre-Purchase Your Propane for The Following Heating Season at A Fixed Price Per Gallon.
We, in turn, Pre-Buy the aggregate needs of our customers through our suppliers who store this product in underground caverns until needed.
At the end of our Pre-Buy program, any of your unused gallons will be converted back to a credit balance on your account so you will never lose your investment. Our strong financial standing secures your investment in us adding additional value to doing business with your local cooperative. Our scheduled delivery program works well in conjunction with our Pre-Buy program taking the concern about having to order propane or pay a propane bill for the heating season.
Propane Tank Program
We lease and install 250, 500, and 1,000 gallon sized tank systems for residential and commercial customers.
Tanks are available for lease at affordable prices and sized based on your estimated annual consumption.
Underground and larger above ground tanks are available for special circumstances.
Commercial refueled tanks available

Tank Monitor Program
Electronically reads the propane level in your tank
Tank readings are digitally transmitted by phone to Federated Co-ops, Inc.
Tank readings also sent up to 3 e-mail recipients
Alert sent to e-mailed to recipients if tank level or interior home temperature set-points are crossed