Plan Now, Call Later, Keep Federated in the Loop
Oct 09, 2024

Before your combine hits the fields, talk to your Federated Agronomist about your fall fertilizer and liming plans “so you and your agronomist are on the same page,” said Brad Hipsag, Federated ag sales rep out of Ogilvie.
Federated needs to know when the combines will be coming off the fields so “we can spread [lime or fertilizer] as soon as possible … and not slow down any fall tillage on your operation,” said Hipsag. In other words, call us with orders and harvest updates in real time.
If your soil testing data is out of date, soil sampling must be done as soon as the crop has been harvested.
Knowing current soil nutrient levels is critical to applying the right amount of fertilizer and/or lime. And in a tight commodity market, it’s especially important to apply what’s needed – not more, not less.
Good communication with your Federated Agronomist will keep things moving smoothly all the way through harvest, setting you up for a good spring of 2025.
Federated needs to know when the combines will be coming off the fields so “we can spread [lime or fertilizer] as soon as possible … and not slow down any fall tillage on your operation,” said Hipsag. In other words, call us with orders and harvest updates in real time.
If your soil testing data is out of date, soil sampling must be done as soon as the crop has been harvested.
Knowing current soil nutrient levels is critical to applying the right amount of fertilizer and/or lime. And in a tight commodity market, it’s especially important to apply what’s needed – not more, not less.
Good communication with your Federated Agronomist will keep things moving smoothly all the way through harvest, setting you up for a good spring of 2025.