Sep 27, 2021

To get the best seed, “I’ll be ordering early for the bulk bins in Ogilvie,” said Cody Lezer, Federated’s seed warehouse manager. While seed supply should be “pretty decent for corn and soybeans,” he said, early ordering – by Federated and growers – will help ensure the best quality seed.

There is the possibility that seed size could be smaller this year due to the drought, and that could be an issue come spring since it might run through planters too fast. But, Federated’s efforts to get the best seed will help ensure availability and seed quality in a year of limited seed supply.

Several new products will be on hand at Federated, including a few that were featured at Discovery Plot Days: The new Enlist® varieties of soybeans, and two new “elite” corn hybrids, Dekalb® 4265 and 4498. (Talk to your Federated Agronomist to learn specifics on these varieties and hybrids.)

Enlist soybeans (and herbicide) will be offered as part of an early promotion to help offset diminished availability of gulfosinate and glyphosate due to pandemic supply chain issues and southern U.S. weather events.

Place your seed orders early this year to get the best options. Your Federated Agronomist is ready to help with recommendations.

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