Sep 13, 2021


“As corn drying gets closer, your Federated Co-ops supply team is hard at work securing propane for this year’s harvest,” said Mark Grave, Federated’s director of energy.

Grave went on to note, “Nationwide propane inventories are adequate to handle this year’s drying season, but the timing challenge … remains.” Federated is up to the challenge of ensuring propane is where it needs to be at the time it’s needed.

“We have a mixture of rail terminal and pipeline terminal supply points to draw upon to help ease the timing crunch of a potentially rapid harvest,” Grave said.

Price continues to be a consideration. “2021 has been the year of inflation,” said Grave, and “commodities have taken the brunt of inflation. Lumber, coffee, cotton, metals have all seen substantial increases and the energy sector is no different. As a commodity, propane has also seen substantial increases throughout the summer and into fall.” Fortunately, “the rise in prices appears to have leveled off, with some commodities easing back down already,” he added.

Work closely with the propane manager at your local Federated location to let them know when you are ready to start the grain dryers, and what delivery schedule will best serve your needs. 

“Your Federated propane team wishes you a safe harvest in 2021,” Grave said.

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