Four Inches is Definitely Tall Enough

May 24, 2023

Post-emerge herbicides need to be applied when weeds are small.
If you see four-inch weeds when you scout fields in the next few weeks, your window to control them is closing fast!
“Most [post-emerge products] are labeled for spraying small, actively growing weeds,” said Kevin Carlson, Federated’s agronomy sales manager. “It’s all about coverage. Smaller weeds are easier to get coverage on; two-inch weeds can be controlled much more easily than six-inch weeds,” he said.
If a pre-emerge herbicide was applied, there’s “a little more grace” in the situation, said Carlson. “We know that something is working on the weeds already.” Without a pre-emerge, the weed-control window shuts even more quickly.
When you see the weeds creep toward that four-inch mark, get going with your herbicide applications. Call your local Federated Agronomist or Federated location. And remember: Weeds are feeding on the same nutrients your crop needs!

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