Follow the Combine with Fertilizer

Oct 11, 2023

Follow the combine with fall fertilizer applications
Fall harvest is busy. Spring planting can be busier yet. And fertilizer is a must. 

Applying fertilizer in the fall “helps take pressure off in the spring,” said Cody Lezer, Federated’s Ogilvie location manager. And, with fall applications, “the P and K are more plant available in the spring,” he added.
Making the most of fall fertilizer applications requires good communication with Federated. “We can apply right after harvest,” said Lezer, which makes time for fall tilling and working in the fertilizer right behind application.
Fall fertilizer applications give growers the ability to “concentrate spring efforts on tillage and planting,” said Lezer.
Brad Hipsag, Federated ag sales rep in Ogilvie, offered this reminder about fall fertilizer applications:
As much as possible, “call us the day before you plan to harvest the field and call again once the crop is off.  It helps us schedule our days in advance and be more efficient.  We want to be … close behind the combine … so we are spreading fertilizer on unworked ground … and not slow down your fall tillage.”
Whether you choose custom application or you prefer to have Federated deliver the product for you to apply, talk to your Federated Agronomist to discuss needs – soon.

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