Discovery Plot Tours Coming Soon

Jul 25, 2022

corn in July
This year’s Discovery Plot Tours run the week of Aug. 22-26 at locations across Federated’s service area. Each event will begin with an “update under the tent,” as Kevin Carlson, Federated’s agronomy sales manager said, with both Federated and local industry reps providing “valuable updates on fertilizer, chemicals, and other noteworthy topics.”
This year’s plots feature “the newest corn hybrids – with a couple of old ones to compare to,” said Carlson. “We were pretty selective this year,” he added, noting that the Brevant® (by Corteva®) retail brand is well represented, especially in the corn plots, because “their corn products are very competitive.” The Bostrom plot has some Brevant soybeans as well.
Plan now to attend the Discovery Plot Tour near you. Invitations will be sent soon. RSVPs are appreciated (a steak lunch will wrap up each day’s event).
Mon., Aug. 22 – Osceola – Gustafson Farm
Tues., Aug. 23 – Rush City – KGL Farm (Holmstrom’s, in Harris)
Wed., Aug. 24 – Albertville – Patnode Dairy
Thurs., Aug. 25 – Ogilvie – Wilhelm Farm
Fri., Aug. 26 – Isanti – Paul Bostrom Farm


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