Discovery Plot Days Coming Soon

Aug 09, 2023

Discovery Plot sign
It’s August and Discovery Plot Days are just around the corner, Aug. 21-25. This year’s events will include discussions and presentations on the following topics:
  • hybrids and varieties for 2024;
  • fertilizer supply and pricing for this fall and next spring;
  • herbicide supply going into 2024;
  • crop financing options for next year; and
  • information on sulfur and nitrogen requirements in crops.

The Isanti, Ogilvie, and Rush City events will include the usual tours of the plots -- and note the evening time slot for the Rush City tour! Due to adverse effects of the drought, the Osceola and Albertville plots will not be toured (note this year’s locations for those events). All events will include valuable crop management and planning information, followed by lunch (dinner at Rush City). Please RSVP to your Federated Agronomist.

Mon., Aug. 21 - 10 a.m. - Osceola - Gator Site (Farmington ball fields/pavilion)

Tues., Aug. 22 - 10 a.m. - Isanti - Paul Bostrom Farm

Wed., Aug. 23 - 10 a.m. - Ogilvie - Larry Wilhelm Farm

Thurs., Aug. 24 - 5 p.m.* - Rush City - KGL Farm (Jason Holmstrom’s, in Harris) *Evening event!

Fri., Aug. 25 - 10 a.m. - Albertville - Albertville City Hall

Read More News

Oct 09, 2024
Federated recommends gypsum and elemental sulfur along with fall fertilizer applications to improve soil readiness for next year’s crops.
Oct 09, 2024
Good communication about fertilizer and lime application plans will keep things moving this fall.
Oct 09, 2024
Did you know you can cover the costs for this year’s fall fertilizer (and its application) with your 2025 crop loan?

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