Crunch Time Trick

May 15, 2024

Side dressing corn with N and S later gets planting done sooner.
The recent much-needed rain was somewhat ill-timed, and consequently it’s crunch time for planting corn (even as the soybean planting window opens). Stop for a moment to consider how you might concentrate on planting and still get nutrients to your newly planted corn.

“For now, consider leaving out the nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S),” said Kevin Carlson , Federated’s agronomy sales manager. Concentrate on planting today and use this simple “trick,” delaying N and S applications while crops get planted.

“Anything to speed up planting is always a good idea,” he added, and since N and S are mobile nutrients, they can be top/side dressed a week or two after planting with no loss of yield potential.

Maybe this isn’t your “usual” way of doing things, but employing this simple trick of crop management may help you get through the crunch. Talk to your Federated Agronomist with any questions – or to schedule custom N and S applications after planting.

And take note: Spreading the fertilizer workload away from spring planting is a good idea, so mark down a post-harvest reminder to apply fall fertilizer!

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