Apr 26, 2021

“Please let us know your plans – or changes in plans – as soon as you can, so we can make sure we have the products you need, available when you need them,” said Ryan Gerth, manager at Federated’s Ogilvie location.

By now, many growers have talked through plans with their Federated Agronomist (if not, contact your agronomist soon!), but field plans can change quickly, and communicating those changes with Federated is critical.

Growers and agronomists need to be on the same page with nutrients, seed, and herbicides, Gerth noted, and it goes further: “If there are changes in any fields you are farming, we need to know.” Let Federated know things such as:

  • - changes to the fields you are farming,
  • - the best approach to the field,
  • - herbicide-sensitive areas,
  • - crops on adjacent land,
  • - strained relationships with neighbors that Federated should be aware of,
  • - any information to benefit an applicator in spraying crops (especially seed tag info – see related article).

Product availability is another key reason to keep communication lines open. “We are hearing of shortages in some crop protection products,” said Gerth. When Federated knows what growers need, steps can be taken to mitigate shortages, price increases, delivery needs, and more.

“Give us as much notice as you can,” he said. Scheduling fertilizer deliveries takes a lot of planning. “We have trucks delivering as fast as they can.” Communicate needs early in the day to ensure the best scheduling.

“We know how narrow mother nature’s window is in the spring; every hour counts,” said Gerth. Good grower-to-agronomist communication will help make everything go smoothly.

Contact your Federated Agronomistand keep everyone in the loop.

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