It’ll be Post Time Soon. Yes, really.

Feb 15, 2023

Keep fields clean with planned pre-emerge and post-emerge herbicide applciations.
With snowbanks in abundance, it’s hard to think that far ahead, but the weed seeds are ready to pop once temperatures rise. No sooner will the crops be planted and the pre’s applied than it will be time for post-emerge herbicide application.
Prepare for that day with good pre-emerge and post-emerge herbicide planning now. Federated recommends Acuron GT® and Halex GT® (from Syngenta®) on glyphosate resistant (Round-up Ready®) corn. Both products offer multiple modes of action to attack the most difficult weeds.
Acuron GT and Halex GT also provide residual control (thanks to their composition that includes Dual® and Calisto®).  Both products work well on waterhemp and grasses, but Acuron GT is the product for giant ragweed. Gustafson noted that Acuron GT “will take down emerged giant ragweed.” If the giant ragweed has any size to it, six inches or taller, add Stinger™ (from Corteva Agriscience™) to take it down.
“Everyone has giant ragweed in their fields now,” said Rod Gustafson, Federated’s location manager at Albertville, and Federated has found Acuron GT to be a solid product in the fight against that tough weed.
Both products need to be applied with a nonionic surfactant (NIS); don’t use an oil. Both require ammonium sulfate (dry or liquid) in the application. But, you can “make it really easy and add Enliven® to the tank,” said Gustafson. “Halex plus Enliven and you are done – and you have the Yieldburst® Technology in an easy mix,” he added. 
For farmer-applied situations, adding atrazine to the tank, sharpens up both Acuron GT and Halex GT. However, atrazine application restrictions may disallow that tank mix. (If you are mixing products yourself, see this sheet for details on Acuron GT mixing order.)
With good pre-merge herbicides and well-timed post-emerge applications, “you can keep your fields clean,” said Gustafson. Talk to your Federated Agronomist to get 2023 herbicide options squared away.

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