Here’s a Snapshot of Crop Protection Supplies

Aug 08, 2022

This year's corn crop is growing even as we take a snapshot of next year's needs.
“Crop protection products remain in tight supply as we move into 2023,” said John Swanson, Federated’s procurement manager, but Federated continues to “work extremely hard” to ensure that products are available when growers need them.
For 2023, Federated has brought in a new product called Sequence®, a foliar systemic herbicide that is a combination of glyphosate and metolachlor. “This [Syngenta®] product was hard to come by early in the season, but we now have good supplies.” He also noted that “the acetochlor and metolachlor markets appear to be tighter in 2023 than they were last year.”
The market for Atrazine and 2,4-D is still very tight, and thus, these products should be added to every grower’s early purchase list.
Swanson said that “glyphosate in bulk seems to be getting better, but 2x2.5s are still extremely hard to find due to shortages of jugs, caps, and foil. The supply of glufosinate (Liberty®, Interline®) was looking better, but “another plant exploded, and now that [market] looks to stay very tight.”
As for fungicides and insecticides, demand is outpacing supply, so those products remain tight. Don’t wait too long to place those orders either.
Your Federated Agronomists are ready now, even at this point in 2022, to discuss 2023 chemistry needs – and “lock in your 2023 supply,” said Swanson. It’s not too early to “help us procure the products you need by letting us know what your needs are well before you need them,” he said.
Swanson emphasized how much Federated appreciates growers: “Thank you for your continued support and patience as we work through these challenging times. We will continue to work on your behalf and will keep you updated as we move closer to spring.”

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