Jan 13, 2020

But that’s not what I meant! “Have you ever found yourself saying that?” asked Craig Gustafson, Federated’s director of agronomy operations, admitting he’s done just that. It’s easy to mix things up.

When it comes to crop traits and their companion herbicides, products and their names can be confusing. “Ordering Xtend® soybeans and then asking for Enlist® herbicide … or using the wrong adjuvants … those mistakes happen, but when they happen, it is embarrassing and costly,” said Gustafson.

For that very reason, Federated asks growers to annually review and sign their Product Service Policy (PSP) to help prevent costly miscommunication and application errors.

“The Federated Product Service Policy is another means of communicating or planning out your herbicide program,” said Gustafson. Before you are asked to sign the PSP, Federated Agronomists take time to help you:

  • - study product labels,
  • - determine personal protective equipment requirements,
  • - understand setbacks,
  • - identify sensitive features,
  • - evaluate crop rotation,
  • - outline crop timing,
  • - adjust application rates,
  • - define tank mix partners
  • - find correct adjuvants,
  • - set harvest intervals, and much more.

And of course, Federated will help you match crop traits with the correct herbicides!

If you haven’t already gotten a call, you will soon hear from your local Federated Agronomist who will walk you through the PSP. Remember that Federated application services cannot begin until the PSP is signed and on file at your nearby Federated location.

“Take the time, minimize the confusion, ask questions, allow your Federated Agronomist to design a complete crop protection plan,” said Gustafson. Get 2020 off to a great start.

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